What are you thinking?

"What are you thinking? Trying to write a book. You could never do that. We say, “Not me, I couldn’t.” Out of fear, we miss what God is calling us to do, or worse, we refuse to do it. And that’s not godly. Wake up. (Fresh-Brewed Life, page 149)"

"What are you not doing in your life that God is calling you to do? Do you stay busy so you don’t have to do what God might be asking you to? So many women I know have dreams of writing books, or starting companies, or getting more involved with a particular ministry, but they don’t do it because they are afraid of failing."

"We’ve had so much criticism in our lives that we don’t try anything new because we fear we’ll get it wrong. That fear might manifest itself in a critical spirit of other people’s work. What’s the big deal about writing poetry? I could write that, anyone could. But you don’t write because you’re afraid.

Bob Buford, in his book Half Time, wrote, “In tossing aside the security blanket which has kept you safe and warm…you may feel, at least at first, like you are losing control of your life. To which I say: Good for you.” (Fresh-Brewed Life, page 150)"

Wanda here:  from 2005

I’ve been inspired. My inspiration came from Fresh-Brewed Life, by Nicole Johnson. I’ve been inspired to write. I love to write, I love to think and process. I love to journal. But I have been trapped by fear and perfectionism! I have stories and lessons that I have learned, welling up inside me, that I want to put on paper for other people to read. But I haven’t written, because I never learned the “proper way to write”. Punctuation, style, grammar-yuck. In school, I could never remember the rules to use. As I journal, I usually write with dashes-thoughts-not always sentences. I thought that is not the correct way to write, so I never wrote for other people. Yet deep down inside I have always had the desire to share the wealth that God has been birthing inside of me- with other people. So… I have been journaling. Keeping record of what God has been doing in my life, so that one day, when I learn the “right way to write” I can write a book.

Well, I am going to write that book now. In the midst of these trying years with 3 young children, I am going to write my heart out. Letters to God, letters to young mothers, letters to children who have lost their mothers or fathers, letters to children in a step family. Letters to my own precious children and darling dedicated husband. I have been through a lot, and by the grace of God, I am who I am.

I do not know where I will begin. No-actually, I have just begun. “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it!” I do not know how to organize what I want to write, but I am just going to write, and worry about organizing later.

Will this be a devotional book? Will this be an autobiography? Will this even be a book. Maybe it will be a magazine article. Or who knows?

Lord, if you want to use me, I want to be used. Speak to me Father. Anoint the words I write. Fill them with the power of the Holy Spirit to touch hearts of the hurting, the tired, the wounded, the bitter, and the orphans. Jesus, you are the center of my life. Glorify your name in me. Give me guidance. Show me what to write. How to write it. Give me a purpose-GLORIFY ME. I desire to glorify you Jesus. May you be glorified. Again and again, through the experiences of my life.


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