Bedtime bonding

June 17, 2010

Bedtime bonding

I crawled into bed between both girls. Corina was already sleeping, but she told me last night, “You are welcome anytime….”

“Even if you’re asleep?”

“Yes, even if I am asleep. You are always welcome.” She replied dreamily.

“I’m not asleep yet.” Mary Jane pipes up.

Oh yes, my night owl – just like me. Her time to shine – after everyone else has gone to bed.

She puts her arm around me and smiles – a smile that beams great satisfaction. We think through the events of the day….

”Do you want to go to the beach on Saturday?” I asked, thinking of the plans Brian and I began making for a spur of the moment trip.

“This Saturday?”

“Yep, not tomorrow, but the next day.”

I forget what her answer was, but the conversation, the feeling of closeness, is unforgettable. I used to hate bedtime. It was always stressful. I had this nagging guilt – I should pray with my kids and tuck them in, or read them a bedtime story…..but I was always at the end of my rope by bed time and usually attempted to rush the process. Now, things are different. A few weeks ago, I crawled into bed between the girls and began to talk. And we talked, and talked – they opened up about the day. They reflected on the significant events that stood out to them. That time laying beside them, has been like a key that opened the window to their hearts. They are so open, so transparent during this time. Their emotional bank account is getting filled up, and they are tickled pink that mommy is taking this time to be with them.

Now I just have to figure out how to make it work for all four of the children – since the other two have picked up on this process and want my time and attention too. Tonight I laid down beside James before going into the girls room. He put his arm around me, and smiled real big. That look of peace. That look of intense satisfaction! I cannot forget it! Again, another key to open a heart.

Madison is still in a crib, so I can’t lay beside her. I stood beside her for a little, leaning down close. Close enough to hear her express dissatisfaction for being in a baby bed. My little girl will be 4 years old very soon! She needs to pass on her crib and move to a big girl bed!

I love my babies. But I must be careful not to be child centered too. My husband needs me to find him and find time to talk. I need to find his best time to talk. It seems as if bedtime is not really a good time – we are both tired.

Lord, show us keys to each others heart.


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