An Unusual Friendship

I met Emma when we worked at a nursing home when I was a teenager.  We were both nurses aids and we often took walks on our break.  We became friends - I, a young teen, she, a 30 something single "Mennonite" lady.

She was at my wedding but after that, I lost track of her.  Until a few years ago.
Emma started working for our family one day a week when I went to work doing the bookwork for our business. 

It seems we picked up right where we left off, but at totally different stages of life.
Since I left that nursing home, I went on to nursing school and became a Registered Nurse.  I got married and we had four children. 

Emma, on the other hand, continued to work at the same nursing home.  She remains single.  She spent some time being the caregiver for her father, who has since passed away.  She owns her own home and manages her own little homestead, complete with her garden, barn and horse.

Her experience as a school teacher in Wisconsin has enabled her to speak into my life when it comes to problems with the kids.  Her endless knowledge of plants and animals has been a huge resource to me as I continue to grow in my homesteading skills.

This unusual friendship between a simple "Mennonite" lady and me has been a treasure. 
I have so much to learn about the simple life...
Wanna come along for the ride?

Don't worry, I'm not selling my minivan in exchange for a buggy.  But I might just sell my junk in exchange for peace....


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