Common, ordinary

I have been pondering something today.  The fact that I am a common, ordinary, country girl.  How am I making a difference in this world?  I have been reading about the incredible needs in our world...

I have been hearing of the needs right here in our community.  Our nation.

I get overwhelmed with all the need - knowing that my resources of energy would soon be exhausted if I tried to fix everything.

Not to mention, my family would suffer from an absentee mother if I tried to make a difference for every need I hear about.

I don't like it.  I want to help and still maintain a sense of peace in my own home.

Can the two coexist? 

I have come to realize that God doesn't ask me to fix it all.  But he does ask me to come to him.  All who are weary and heavy laden and HE will give me rest.  He asks me to be faithful with the gifts he has given to me. 

According to Max Lucado in his booklet, "Live to make a difference", Jesus will recount, one by one, all the acts of kindness.  Every deed done to improve the lot of another person.  Even the small ones.  In fact, they all seem small.  Giving water.  Offering food.  Sharing clothing.  The works of mercy are simple deeds.  And yet in these simple deeds, we serve Jesus.  Astounding, this truth: we serve Christ by serving needy people."

May I never forget that Jesus used common people to accomplish his purposes. 


  1. When ever I felt like that, I tried to remember that my husband and my children were "those in need" for me at the time. And, like everything, it is for a season. Now I am able to make a significant difference in several lives everyday that I go to work. I feel the impact that I make on my patients and my coworkers. God does not ask us to do all things, we just need to do the "next" thing.

  2. reminds me of a book I read called "She did what she could" or something like that.


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