Beautiful Blue Eyes

So, last evening I was sitting on my lawn chair, watching a game of ladder golf.  For some reason, we were in intermission - not sure where everyone else went.  But J sat down on my lap.

He settled in on my lap - not too comfortable on a lawn chair, but he was there anyway.

The evening was perfect - no humidity, but bright and sunny.  I don't know if it was that, or his red Mini Camp shirt, but something made his blue eyes "pop" out. 

I told him that his eyes were beautiful.  Shades of blue, with a swirl of yellow/brown on the inside.  I told him his freckles were cute too.  He told me that my eyes were blue also.  He intently looked into my eyes, examining them and went on to say what he saw.  Even down to the red blood vessels in the whites of my eye.  For the most part, he echoed what I said of his eye - blue all around, with some lighter colors in the center.

The melt my heart moment came when we were done examing each others eyes.  "Your eyes are pretty, but your face is even prettier." he said with his gleaming smile.  I gave him a hug and told him how sweet he was.

I have to savor these moments.  Time is flying so fast.  I know one day I will look at a teenage boy that won't be able to fit on my lap.  But for now...... I am lovin' it.


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