
As we are going through the week of Prayer and Fasting at our church, so much is going through my mind - and I am waiting for it to begin to come into formation - for at the present moment, it feels like a lot of loose ended thoughts, which somehow do go together.

Here are some areas God is speaking to me - some profound insights I am coming to and some books and messages that are influencing my thoughts.

I tend to give up when something gets hard.  I believe I am in the season of pushing through - at least learning what that looks like.  Emma explained to me that when a team of horses are pulling together a heavy load, and you add more of a load, the horses just pull harder.  I am in a season where I am learning to pull harder, with the team, instead of stopping pulling!

Ken Davis recently preached a sermon called Fully Alive - which I have listened to 2 times and will probably listen to again.

In it he talks about being fully ALIVE!  At the end of 2010, I most certainly was not fully alive.  Discouraged, overweight, and feeling beaten down!

My family at Rehoboth Beach, December 2010

I feel like I have grown so much over the past year - grown spiritually, grown in forgiveness and understanding - but something is still keeping me down, from enjoying my life the way I know I can.  

I want to DANCE freely before the Lord - I want to run a 5k race with Brian- you know - I have realized that my weight is holding me back.  It is stealing my LIFE!  I don't often watch the show, The Biggest Loser, but I did this week.  There was a set of twin brothers, in there 50 or 60's and quite overweight.  The doctor had done some tests and told the one brother - "If you knew that someone was planning your brothers murder and murder weapon was known what would you do about it?" 

Obviously, the answer is - do everything possible to avoid it.

Well, the doctor laid out the murder weapon - white sugar, chocolate, chips.....

I started the Biggest Loser at the Steffy Concrete Fitness Farm last Wednesday evening.  I weighed in at an all time high - never been here before in my life, except for pregnancy. 

I am a week in to a 16 week excersize program - and I so excited to see what God is going to do! 

3 pounds came off in the last week and I am shooting for 3 more for this week.  I have chosen to fast in a different way  by eliminating white sugar and other stuff of that nature- since I have been exerting myself at the gym more than I have in a long time.

I already feel better - my mind feels more clear.  The temptation still comes - and I am crying out to God for his hand of deliverance to walk me through the times when my body wants more food - or food it does not need.  What a challenge - but I am not giving up.  I am so excited to have two very close friends of mine join me in the Biggest Loser challenge - they will be a tremendous support along the way as they do it too.

And my family!  They are my biggest cheerleaders!  I have paper thermometer on my fridge that Mary Jane made for me - and we will mark off every pound I lose. 

When something stops growing, it has stopped living....

I acknowlege this journey will not be easy - but I AM ALIVE!  AND I AM HEADED TO FULLY ALIVE!

I could use any phone calls, notes or words of encouragement as I walk this next 15 week journey - in making huge change.  My prayer is that I can learn contentment in LESS!  I want my body to adjust to the fact that less food is enough to supply the needs of my body.  Come Lord Jesus and consume the chaff - the excess and unnessary.  I want to be refined in the fire!
My desire for 2011 is that I may learn what it looks like to live my life FULLY ALIVE!


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