
Wanda, God is calling you out. The grave clothes are dropping off. Walk forth and live!

On July 13, 1975, Wendy Sue Weaver was born! A beautiful 7 pound baby girl. Glen and Betty Weaver had a four year old son, Jeffery, and adding a girl completed their all American family. But only minutes into Wendy's celebrated arrival, the doctor discovered a precious surprise waiting to be found. This delightful surprise, was Wanda Lou, another equally beautiful, 7 pound baby girl! Like a sheepish Grandpa bringing in the last and most anticipated Christmas present, I can picture God, proudly uncovering his secret gift.

Praise the Lord for his words of hope. I have walked all my life in the shadow of Wendy. I now will walk proudly beside her, as an equally beautiful, equally special present delivered on that day, 33 years ago.


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